Career Services

Questions? Contact Us.

Office of Career Services
May Hall 209

Call 701-658-5979

Career development is a journey, and your time spent at DSU is your first step in this journey. Wherever you are in the process, we offer one-on-one assistance to help you plan for and achieve career success. We strongly encourage you to take a proactive role in career exploration early in your DSU experience utilizing Career Services’ resources.

Career Services offers a variety of resources:

  • Access to employment opportunities, internships, and volunteer work
  • Resume and cover letter creation
  • Interview preparation
  • Career exploration
  • Access to job fairs
  • Professional development and networking

To take advantage of these services, please set up an appointment.


FOCUS 2 is an online portal that will guide you through a reliable career and education decision-making model. It will help you choose a major, explore occupations, and make informed decisions about your career. The program is FREE for DSU students.

FOCUS 2 provides valid and reliable assessments including Work Interests, Personality, Values, Skills, Leisure Interests, and Career Planning Readiness. Assessment results are matched to supporting majors and career options with over 1,000 occupations and up-to-date career information.

Focus 2 Logo

Register for your account online HERE. Use access code bluehawk. If you have any questions, contact Career Services. 

DSU offers on-campus employment opportunities for qualified students. There are two types of on-campus employment: federal work study and institutional work study.

Federal Work Study

Federal work study (FWS) may be available to you if you demonstrate financial need through your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). A work study award means you can seek federal work study employment. However, it's not a guarantee of a job. Jobs span across the entire campus and to some eligible off-campus employers too. Positions may vary from clerical work to research, from service to security. Eligible students must apply for a federal work study position through the DSU website. Click here to see the list of open student positions. You can apply for more than one position marked FWS.

Institutional Work Study

Institutional work study (IWS) is not based on financial need. Positions are available on-campus, and wages vary depending on the job. You must apply for an institutional work study position through the DSU website. You can apply for more than one position marked IWS.

Benefits of Work Study Positions

  • Flexible work schedule
  • Earn extra income
  • Acquire valuable work experience for your resume
  • Reduce necessity for student loans
  • Network with college professionals
  • Sample different career paths
  • Enhance fundamental work skills
  • Develop a sense of community and involvement with DSU

There are many job opportunities available in Dickinson and the surrounding communities for current students and recent graduates.

North Dakota Job Service

You can access resources for local employment through the North Dakota Job Service.


Handshake Logo

Handshake is a free platform for DSU students to connect with businesses around the country. You can create your profile to attract jobs that fit your interests and are targeted directly at college students and recent graduates. To get started in Handshake, visit or contact the Career Services office.

Stop by Career Services

You are welcome to stop by the Career Services office to discuss job openings. Please use the Resources on this page for other online sources for finding job opportunities.

Each year, DSU hosts student job and internship fairs that attract local, state, and regional employers. You are encouraged to attend these events to explore internship and employment opportunities. These events will be listed on the DSU event calendar and advertised to your DSU student email.

Employers, you are welcome to attend job and internship fairs. Whether you are looking for part-time or summer help or looking to help a recent DSU graduate get a head start on their career, we invite you to come and speak with our students about your work place goals. 

Employers also are welcome to set up a table session in the Student Center. Hosting an informational table is a great way to advertise your organization and share internship and/or employment opportunities with DSU students. The Student Center is a popular student hang-out area. Please contact Career Services for more information.


What Can I Do with This Major Logo

Having a difficult time picking a major? Unsure of the career opportunities with your current major? What Can I Do With This Major is a great resource at any stage of your academic career. 

Are you diving into the workforce or applying for graduate programs? Stop by Career Services for guidance on writing resumes and cover letters, preparing for an interview, learning networking skills, or finding a job after college. You can also check out our helpful tips and guidelines!

Write a Resume

Write a Cover Letter

Interview Preparation

Networking Effectively

Transition after DSU

If you're looking to continue your education after you complete your undergraduate degree, you should consider graduate school. Meeting with an advisor in Career Services or in your academic schools is the best way to start your search for a graduate or professional program. Together, we can discuss your options and develop a plan for completing the application process. In Career Services, we offer individual graduate school advising and critiques of personal statements and application essays.

Dickinson State University offers graduate degrees in the following areas:

  • Master of Business Administration
  • Master of Entrepreneurship
  • Master of Arts in Teaching
  • Master of Arts in Teaching - Athletic Educational Leadership
  • Masters of Education in Elementary Education

  • This report provides a snapshot of students who graduated in the Class of 2022 (including terms May 2022 and August 2022).
  • Data is based on responses collected following NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) guidelines via the "First Destination Survey" through the student career platform "Handshake" within 6 months of graduation.

2022 Snapshot

Of the 58 responses (30% response rate):

  • 34.48% are employed (FT/PT/Military)
  • 36.21 % are continuing education
  • 62% of respondents continuing their education are doing so at DSU.
  # Degrees Awarded # Survey Responses % Employed (FT, PT, MS) % Continuing Education % Seeking Continuing Ed % Seeking Employment Salary Mean
Associate's: 32 14 7.14% 92.86% - - -
Bachelor's: 133 40 47.50% 20.00% 12.50% 45.00% $44,081.96
Master's: 27 4 60.00% - - 40.00%  - 
ALL 192 58 34.48% 36.21% 8.62% 34.48% $44,081.96


NOTE: Degree categories may add up to more than 100% because some students might report being in multiple categories. Example: a student is currently working but is also seeking an online master's degree program.