
Stoxen Library provides spaces for students to study and work on assignments individually and collaboratively. Library users can find information and inspiration in our large collection of books, journals, media, and electronic resources and databases. Professional library staff are available for information and research needs. Stoxen Library provides desktop and laptop computers. Printing, photocopying, scanning, Wi-Fi, and fax services are available. Community members are welcome at Stoxen Library.

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Library Hours

Library Policies

You must have a valid DSU ID to check out library materials.

Circulation Periods:

  • Books – 28 days
  • Periodicals – 7 days
  • Videos, CDs, and DVDs – 5 days
  • Reserve materials – set by the instructor

The library staff may recall books after two weeks. If you receive a recall notice for an item needed by another patron, please return the item within five days.

You may renew books twice unless others need the items. After two renewals, you must return books to the library. If you still need them, you can check out the books again. The library shall consider books not returned or renewed by their due date as overdue and lost.

If you do not return overdue materials within six weeks, the library will institute replacement procedures for the lost items. You will be billed the cost of the replacement plus a processing fee. If you refuse to pay the bill or return the overdue materials, the library shall refer the issue to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

Interlibrary loan services are provided to currently enrolled Dickinson State University students and to current Dickinson State University faculty and staff. All other patrons will be charged $15 per request. This fee is due upon submitting the interlibrary loan request. (Additional fees may apply).

The computers in Stoxen Library are for supporting the teaching and research activities of Dickinson State University students, faculty, and staff.

You should limit your time on the computers to 30 minutes if others are waiting to use them. If you’re using a computer for purposes other than research, the library may ask you to give the computer to someone needing to use it for research.

Refer to North Dakota University System’s policies for additional guidelines regarding the use of computers.

Stoxen Library has a fax machine which can send and receive documents. Our machine is located at the main circulation desk. You can send and receive materials here and can pick up copies during library hours.

To send or receive a document, you will be charged $1 for the first page and $.50 for each additional page.

The library will not charge DSU faculty and staff to send or receive work documents. DSU personnel must present a DSU ID to avoid fees.

Stoxen Library staff do not deliver faxed materials. We will try to contact you and either keep all materials at the main circulation desk or put them in the appropriate campus mailbox.

Please note that the fax machine is not in a restricted area and incoming faxes may be seen by others.

Protecting your rights to view and read materials without fear of intrusion, intimidation, or reprisal is a core value for all librarians. To safeguard your privacy in your use of the library, Stoxen Library maintains the confidentiality of library records. Additionally, state and federal privacy laws protect student records, including library borrowing records.

Stoxen Library does not share registration and circulation records. Registration records include any information the library requires you to provide to access or borrow materials. Circulation records include all information that identifies you as borrowing or accessing particular materials or information.

Stoxen Library follows the General Retention Schedule for the North Dakota University System for circulation records, which is the Current Fiscal Year + 3 years. Older records are shredded.

The library shreds computer sign-in sheets on a regular basis.

No library employee shall reveal your identity to anyone without proper judicial order and permission from the designated university administrative officer. In the absence of such judicial orders or university administrative permission, those to whom information will be denied include, but are not limited to, faculty, staff (including library staff except in the pursuit of their assigned duties), parents, students, campus safety, police, FBI agents, and military personnel.

The library shall refer all requests for the above information to the Director of Library Services.

As space permits, we will add donated items to the Stoxen Library materials collection when they are consistent with the teaching and research needs of the university. In accordance with the American Library Association, the library tries, through its collection, to offer the widest possible viewpoints in its attempts to further the free exchange of ideas. We will not censor the selection of gift materials. However, to maintain a reasonably balanced collection, the library may retain only a few key resources that represent the views of major spokespersons of special interest groups. Further, limited storage space for collections requires us to be highly selective in accepting gifts to the materials collections.

We accept materials with the understanding that there are no limiting conditions or restrictions regarding the usage of the gifts. Once accepted, gift items become the property of the library and may not be reclaimed by the donor. Items not added to the collection may be sold, with the proceeds used to purchase additional needed materials.

The library may refuse items that we deemed inappropriate for the Stoxen Library materials collection. Gifts that do not meet the collection criteria include damaged, old, or outdated materials; old textbooks; duplicates; periodicals that the library already owns; and materials in subject areas that do not support teaching or research in DSU areas of study.

If desired, the library will make an acknowledgment of all gifts added to the materials collection on behalf of the university. The library cannot offer collection appraisals, nor estimate the value of a gift. The Internal Revenue Service considers the library or a library employee an interested party, who, therefore, cannot appraise donations. Donors may wish to refer to the IRS Publication #561, Determining the Value of Donated Property. Donors will need to obtain an appraisal from a private source.

All Stoxen Library materials, equipment, furniture, etc. are the property of the state of North Dakota. Anyone who damages or tampers with these materials and/or attempts unauthorized removal of such items from Stoxen Library may lose library privileges or may be prosecuted for: Theft (North Dakota Century Code 12.1-23-02).

Stoxen Library uses a security system to maintain the security of library materials. Anyone who refuses to have materials inspected, once the alarm has sounded, is considered to demonstrate intent to steal items from the library. Once the alarm has sounded, and if someone resists inspection, campus security and/or the Dickinson Police Department will be summoned. Signage is posted indicating that all materials must be checked out or a $100 fine will be levied.

If it is discovered that an individual has damaged or tampered with Stoxen Library property or has attempted unauthorized removal, the incident will be reported to one of the following people for the appropriate disciplinary action:

  • The Library Director will handle all theft and damage reports and will determine the appropriate disciplinary action. As deemed necessary, the Director will involve the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs in instances involving the faculty. Further, the Director will involve the Provost/Vice President of Student Affairs as needed in theft and damage problems involving students.
  • For a time period set by the Director of Library Services, the person will not be able to check out materials. Suspension from the university may result at the discretion of the Provost/Vice President of Student Affairs.

Members of the community who are over 18 may use their Dickinson Public Library card to check out materials at Stoxen Library. A Special Borrower card can be issued to you upon the presentation of a valid North Dakota driver’s license with a local address. This card is valid for one year, is free of charge, and may be renewed.

  • You may check out up to eight books and five DVDs at a time.
  • You may not request an interlibrary loan or check out equipment.
  • You are allowed access to library databases while on campus.

You may request access to DSU’s wireless internet. You must provide your name and connection to DSU. Guest logins are provided to the school or office requesting access for their guest(s) from Information Technology Services.