FAQ - Advising Center
My Advisor
From a good advisor, you should expect:
- genuine concern for you and your well-being
- accurate and timely information
- help exploring educational programs and plans
- help with academic procedures such as schedule changes, declaration/change of major, course scheduling/dropping and adding classes
- help if you are placed on academic probation/suspension
- referrals when needed to other support services
- confidentiality
- reliability
Advising Appointment
An advisor can help you
- locate resources to be a successful Blue Hawk,
- select a major that will be a good fit for you to achieve your career goals, and
- create a plan or make changes to your schedule to keep you on track for graduation and reach your goals faster.
To make the most of your advising session, it’s important for you to come to the appointment fully prepared. The following are some things you can do to prepare for your appointment:
- CHECK FOR HOLDS! Log in to your Campus Connection account and see if you have any holds. Some holds, such as your Financial Obligation Agreement (to be completed each semester), do prevent registration.
- REVIEW COURSES REQUIRED FOR YOUR ACADEMIC PROGRAM! The Catalog is a useful tool for you to review all the courses you need for your academic major/minor/concentration.
- BRING A LIST OF PREFERRED COURSES! After reviewing program requirements, view the course offerings for the upcoming semester(s) in Campus Connection. Then, make a list of courses you would like to take. Advisors can help with deciding which courses would be best.
- WRITE DOWN QUESTIONS! As you think of questions about your program, campus resources/services, registration, etc., write them down and bring them with you to your appointment. We can better assist you if we know what you need help with!
- ARRIVE ON TIME! Coming late to an appointment or missing your appointment is taking time away from another student who could have used that timeslot to meet with an advisor. If you cannot make your scheduled appointment, please call in advance to reschedule.
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