Theodore Roosevelt Honors Leadership
- Leadership Studies Minor Requirements
- Course Rotations
- Maintenance of Honors Program Status
- TRHLP Program Requirements
Use code GOHAWKS and apply today!
The TRHLP is made up of a very diverse group of students from across the country and around the world. TRHLP scholars are pursuing several different majors. On top of being excellent students, they are also active participants in Blue Hawk athletics and a wide variety of on-campus clubs and organizations. The TRHLP is unique in its focus on bringing together such a diverse group of young people in a learning community.
TR scholars will learn:
- How to lead teams of people in collaborative decision-making and problem solving
- Tools for lifelong learning and peak personal performance
- Practical reasoning skills for 21st Century leaders
- How to succeed in a diverse and rapidly changing workplace dominated by global competition
- Leadership theories
The objective of service learning is to give back to the community. TRHLP Scholars have been given much; therefore, much is expected. So, service-learning projects should be not-for-pay and should be designed with the objectives of the TRHLP program in mind. There are two approaches to this requirement: all at once, in a major project, or over several semesters, one credit at a time. If you wish to complete your service learning all at once, find an organization that needs help with some new initiative that will give you an opportunity to take a leadership role rather than simply clocking service hours. Most service organizations have projects pending for which staffing is insufficient. These are the type of opportunities one should seek out when designing a service-learning project for LEAD credit. TRHLP Scholars may also want to consider contacting the Students Assistant Directors to assist with the Miss(ter) Blue Hawk and Hawk Walk service projects sponsored by the Theodore Roosevelt Honors Leadership Program. A total of 60 hours of service learning must be completed prior to graduation. Students seeking information regarding service-learning projects should schedule an appointment with the TRHLP Director before they register for LEAD credit.
No. The course of study guidelines for service-learning projects, internships, and the scholarly proposal can all be worked into the TRHLP Scholar's schedule when most convenient (including summer projects). The course of study guidelines offer a reasonable plan for completing the TRHLP requirements but need not be viewed as binding in terms of when requirements are met. If an internship or project is available in your field in fall rather than spring, it is acceptable to take it then or even in the summer.
The TR office keeps a database of current service opportunities in the community. Alternately, you can meet with the Director or one of the Student Assistant Directors to help you come up with some options suitable for your interests.
Each semester there will be at least one opportunity for you to fulfill your Study Tour credit. Recent Study Tours have involved trips to historic sites in the region, Mount Rushmore, Gettysburg Battlefield, and a tour of Oil Country. All TR scholars must take one of these study tours for credit during their time in the program. TR scholars will be invited to attend all Study Tours but only need take one for credit.
The Honors Seminar should evolve as you progress through the TRHLP. This course will be a culmination of your work as an undergraduate student in the form of a portfolio. The portfolio will include papers, projects, and reflections that have been completed in major specific and honors courses as well as reflections on your service-learning project(s) and internship. The portfolios should also demonstrate how you met or exceeded the TRHLP’s five Learning Outcomes. Examples of past portfolios are available in the TRHLP office.
No. The TR internship is designed to coincide with any internship required by a particular discipline. TR scholars are not required to do two internships. However, they are required to include in the internship required of their major discipline (assuming one is required) a leadership component. All leadership studies minor projects, independent studies, and internships are designed with student flexibility in mind. You may substitute these credits for major requirements (with major advisor and TRHLP director approval,) you may "cross apply" both a major requirement and a LEAD requirement (with major advisor and TRHLP director approval,) or, if it is to your advantage, you could even complete two different projects, one in the major and one for LEAD credit. Consult with the TRHLP director for further details.
DSU will have rolling acceptance for the TRHLP. Students who are interested in the program are encouraged to apply early. Qualified DSU and transfer students may enter the TRHLP in the fall only. These students must make up all required coursework for the Leadership Studies minor. Transfer students must have a college/university GPA of 3.25 or higher.
If a student’s cumulative GPA is below 3.25, he/she will be placed on academic warning status for the following semester. If the student does not have a cumulative GPA of 3.25 after the warning semester, he/she will be placed on probation for the following semester. If after the probationary semester the student’s cumulative is still not a 3.25, he/she will forfeit the scholarship beginning the next semester. Please note this could mean revocation of the scholarship in the middle of the school year. A student will be placed on academic probation only once during his/her time in the TRHLP. Instead of being placed on academic probation for a second time, the student will forfeit the scholarship.
If a student does not have satisfactory participation for a semester, he/she will be placed on participation warning status for the following semester. If the student does not have satisfactory participation after the warning semester, he/she will be placed on participation probation. If after the probationary semester, the student’s participation is still not satisfactory, he/she will forfeit the scholarship beginning the next semester. Please note this could mean revocation of the scholarship in the middle of the school year. A student will be placed on participation probation only once during his/her time in the program. Instead of being placed on participation probation for a second time, the student will forfeit the scholarship.
Being placed on both academic and participation probation at the same time indicates a lack of suitability for continuing in the TRHLP and will result in immediate removal. Please note this could mean revocation of the scholarship in the middle of the school year.