Academic Records

NOTE: All DSUlive™ sections are listed in Mountain Time.

Click here for the most recent class schedules including available seats.

Find a list of individual course fees on the Tuition and Cost to Attend page

Explore course offerings from Dakota Digital Academy. The North Dakota University System offers a variety of online courses in cybersecurity, computer science, artificial intelligence, and related fields, providing you with flexible, remote learning opportunities as a collaborative student. Check out the full list of available courses here:


Live Class Search - Please choose DSU and the correct semester.

Anticipate your finals by referencing our final exam schedule. 

Spring 2025 Final Exam Schedule

Traditional Classroom

  • Attendance: Students enrolled in these classes are expected to attend class in-person.
  • Delivery: Course materials, discussions, and assessment activities will mainly take place in the classroom. Some instructors may choose to use Blackboard for some course materials, discussion threads, and assessment activities.
  • Schedules: Courses will follow the traditional start and end dates. Instructors will determine all due dates for course activities.


  • Attendance: Students enrolled in these classes participate in fully asynchronous format.
  • Delivery: Instructors will use Blackboard for distribution and collection of all course materials, discussion threads, and assessment activities.
    • NOTE: Some courses (i.e. COMM 110 - Fundamentals of Public Speaking) may have required times for students to meet synchronously.)
  • Schedules: Courses will follow the traditional start and end dates. Instructors will determine all due dates for course activities.


  • Click here to view all DSUlive™ program offerings
  • Attendance: Students enrolled in these classes attend class synchronously via a live video session. With pre-approved instructor permission, they may attend class asynchronously by watching recorded lecture videos at a later time.

  • Delivery: Instructors will use Blackboard as the Learning Management System for remote distribution and collection of all course materials, discussion threads, and (if applicable) assessment activities. Note that instructors may use a proctored exam process for assessment activities.

  • Schedules: Courses will follow the traditional start and end dates. Instructors will determine all due dates for course activities.

Six-year Graduation Rates for Students Receiving Athletically-Related Student Aid (Student Right-to-Know Act)

Pell Graduation Rate (Higher Education Opportunity Disclosure)