Tuition and Cost to Attend

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Special Announcement: Nationwide In-State Tuition at Dickinson State University!

Starting Fall 2024, Dickinson State University (DSU) will be offering nationwide in-state tuition to all students, regardless of their state of residence. At DSU, we believe that when you are here, you are home. With this groundbreaking initiative, we are breaking down financial barriers and making quality education more accessible to everyone across the country. Whether you're from North Dakota, Washington, Florida, or anywhere in between, you'll now have the opportunity to benefit from our exceptional educational experience at an affordable cost.

Tuition Freeze

We promise every Blue Hawk a high-quality, personalized education at an affordable rate. In keeping with that promise, we have frozen tuition and fees through the summer semester of 2025! That’s right, neither tuition nor fees will increase from now through the 2024-25 academic year.

New North Dakotan Rate 

We have expanded the list of states that receive the resident (in-state) tuition rate to include all U.S. states and the Canadian provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan!

Tuition is charged per credit hour and mandatory fees are applied only to the first 12 credits per semester*.
The tuition and fees listed here are for the 2024-2025 academic year, which begins in fall 2024. This information is to help you estimate your overall costs. Fees and other financial information on the website are subject to change.
*A limited number of courses and specialized programs have additional fees.

Undergraduate Resident: all U.S. states and the Canadian provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan $249 per credit hour
International Undergraduates $319 per credit hour
Graduate $336.67 per credit hour
Mandatory Fees $68.68* per credit hour 

*Fees are only charged on the first 12 credit hours per semester

Mandatory Fees

Example based on 2024-2025 undergraduate tuition and fees for enrollment in 15 credit hours.


Cost Per Semester

Tuition Resident*: all U.S. states and the Canadian provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan


International Undergraduates*


Housing and Dining Plans**


Mandatory Fees


*These are representative tuition costs based on 15 credits per semester. Actual tuition costs will vary based on your credit load.

**Based on a double room and 7-day all-access meal plan option; rates will differ for students who live in suites or single rooms and for those who choose other meal plans.

Cost of Attendance 2024-2025

The Cost of Attendance (COA) is an estimate of the expenses a student may incur during the academic year.  Direct and indirect costs will vary among students.  Actual costs will vary based on the number of credits enrolled in, housing and dining options selected, and the student's personal expenses.  This is not a bill.  This is only an estimate.


(based on 15 credits per semester/30 credits per year)

All US States, plus MB and SK  Living On/Off Campus All US States, plus MB and SK  Living with Parent International Living On/Off Campus
Direct Educational Costs      
     Tuition and Fees $9,118 $9,118 $11,218
     Food & Housing $8,564 $4,282 $8,564
Total Direct Costs $17,682 $13,400 $19,782
Indirect Educational Costs      
     Books, Supplies & Equip $1,200 $1,200 $1,200
     Loan Fees $70 $70 $70
     Transportation $1,300 $1,300 $1,300
     Misc Personal Expenses $2,400 $2,400 $2,400
Total Indirect Costs $4,970 $4,970 $4,970
Total Educational Costs $22,652 $18,370 $24,752



(based on 6 credits per semester/12 credits per year)

Living On/Off Campus
     Tuition and Fees $4,384
     Books, Supplies & Equip $600
     Food & Housing $8,564
     Loan Fees $138
     Transportation $1,300
     Misc Personal Expenses $2,400
Total Educational Costs $17,386


Per Credit Hour


$83.89 per credit hour*


$148.42 per credit hour*

Fees (Connect ND and NDSA)

$5.54 per credit hour**

*The average class size is 3 credit hours

**Fees are only charged on the first 12 credit hours per semester

We provide you with a secure environment designed to encourage learning and personal growth. Through on-campus living, you’ll learn how to contribute to a community of fellow students and professionals from around the world.

Learn more about our housing and dining options and pricing.

An assumed value was used to identify your housing component in cost of attendance.  If your assumed housing is incorrect, based on the chart below, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 701-502-4301 or to update your living situation.

Student Academic Level Housing Assumption
Freshman/Sophomore On Campus
Freshman/Sophomore and have a home address within 25 miles of Dickinson Living With Parent
Junior/Senior Off Campus

You must keep track of your own financial account on Campus Connection, as we don’t mail out financial statements. You can find your student account balance by clicking the Financial Account tile.

If you don’t make payments by the due date, we may issue late fees, account holds, and/or registration cancellations. We charge all accounts that are 30 days past due a 1.75% monthly late fee until paid in full.

You can make payments:

  • in person at the Business Affairs office (May Hall, room 109),
  • online through Campus Connection, or
  • by mail

Accepted payment methods include cash, personal check or e-check, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express.

Please mail payments to:

Dickinson State University
Attn: Business Affairs
291 Campus Drive
Dickinson, ND 58601

We follow the North Dakota University System’s NDUS Refund Policy 830.2 for dropping classes and withdrawing from a semester. Refunds are based on the amount of time that has passed since the first day of classes for that semester (including all calendar days).

Class Drops

If you drop a class (or several) and stay in school with fewer than 12 credits, you will receive a refund based on the following:

  • 100% refund for the class if it’s between 0% and 8.99% complete.
  • No refund for the class if it’s more than 8.99% complete.

Term Withdrawal

If you want to drop all your classes and you won’t receive any credit for any class during that semester, your action will be classified as a withdrawal, even if you were enrolled in only one class. Once a withdrawal has been processed, you cannot re-enroll for that semester.

If you withdraw from all classes, you will receive a refund based on the following:

  • 100% refund for the semester if it’s between 0% and 8.99% complete.
  • 75% refund for the semester if it’s between 9% and 34.99% complete.
  • 50% refund for the semester if it’s between 35% and 59.99% complete.
  • No refund for the semester if it’s more than 59.99% complete.

If you’re living on campus, you must check out, and the refund will be based on the housing refund schedule.

If you’re coming to DSU from another country, you must submit a Declaration of Finance form as part of your application process.

Please select the form that applies to you:

You can complete and upload the form in your application or email the form to