High School Students

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Dual Credit

If you want to earn college credit without leaving your high school classroom, the dual credit option is for you. Dual credit classes are classes you take at your high school and are taught by a high school teacher. You will earn both high school and college credit with these classes.

Learn more about dual credit

Early Entry

If you want the full college experience, the early entry option is for you. Early entry classes are classes you take on the DSU campus, remote through DSUlive™, or online for college credit and are taught by DSU faculty. You might be able to also earn high school credit, but that is up to your high school, so check with your guidance counselor. 

Learn more about early entry

Early University

Early University (Early U) includes all opportunities for students to earn college credit through DSU while they are in high school, including studying toward a degree program while attending high school. Early U students can expect to be able to be involved in the same traditional experiences as their peers, including participating in their school’s extracurricular activities, while pursuing college coursework or degree programs. Students may attend Early University through Dual Credit at their high school or Early Entry on the DSU campus, from a distance via DSUlive™, or online.

Learn more about Early University at DSU