Military Benefits
VA Certification Request Form
Click here to complete the VA Certification Request Form
To determine if you are eligible for Veterans Affairs benefits, please review the information below. For additional information on eligibility, visit or call 1-888-442-4551.
Survivors and Dependents Assistance
National Guard and Reserve Assistance
Prior Active and Active Duty Assistance
Post-9/11 GI Bill
Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment
Tuition Assistance
Education Services Officer |
ND Education Office (FTA) |
ND National Guard TA (STA) |
TA Changes: (effective December 11, 2004)
- The fiscal year cap is increased to 18 semester hours and $4,500.
- Soldiers must complete ArmyIgnitED 101 training and Career Path Decide (CPD) prior to creating an education goal.
Eligible service members must receive approval from their Educational Services Officer (ESO), military counselor or military service prior to enrolling.
ND National Guard State Tuition Assistance
- A separate application is required for each term/session.
- Applications must be received no later than 7 days before start of the semester.
- Late applications will be denied.
You will receive an email confirmation upon receipt of the application. If you have difficulties, email the Tuition State Assistance Office or call 701-333-3008.
Federal Tuition Assistance (Army Ignited)
You may apply no earlier than two months before your class start date. Applications need to be submitted SEVEN (7) days before the class start date.