Dual Mission Career Training

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In 2018, the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education appointed Dickinson State University as the first dual mission institution in the state. This designation allowed us to expand course offerings beyond the bachelor’s degree to include continuing education, certification, associate degrees, and graduate degrees, providing the programs needed to prepare a workforce for our growing region.

What does it mean to be Dual Mission?

Across the nation, higher education institutions are exploring what it means to them. For us, it means that we adapt to the workforce and remove barriers to ensure programs get running.

Being Dual Mission means we are responsive and relevant in meeting the educational needs of the citizens of southwest North Dakota as we:

  • seek to understand the needs of students and the region,
  • evaluate and develop programs and delivery methods to meet these needs,
  • partner to offer workforce training, and
  • establish streamlined pathways for degree attainment based on student educational goals.

Dual Mission Career Training Programs