Nursing Student Association

To learn more, contact faculty advisor Tracy O'Donnell. Feel free to contact any NSA member also! NSA is a great organization for anyone studying nursing!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • NSA is a pre-professional organization designed for pre-nursing and nursing students who want to become involved in nursing activities while pursuing educational and professional development as nurses.

  • NSA is a local, state, and national organization. There are many opportunities to attend state and national conventions for NSA. Student nurses from across the state or the country meet at these conventions to discuss issues related to nursing.
  • NSA plans a fall gathering for all pre-nursing and nursing students. This event welcomes everyone to DSU and encourages involvement in NSA. Friends and family are welcome to attend!
  • NSA sponsors two to three blood drives a year. The blood drives take place in the Biesiot Activity Center (BAC) on the DSU campus. The blood drives are directed by Vitalant with the help of NSA members.
  • NSA is active in various community service activities including assisting with blood pressure screenings; creating winter clothing drives and donating to the Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Center (DVRCC); participating in the Dickinson Backpack Program, which provides food packs to hungry children in our community; Angel Tree gift donations; volunteering at the community soup kitchen; and other fundraising events held both on and off campus.
  • NSA sponsors a homecoming float in the DSU homecoming parade and members participate along with other campus organizations in all homecoming activities.
  • NSA plans events throughout the year for all pre-nursing and nursing students to have a chance to gather.

  • NSA provides opportunities to become involved in nursing at both state and national levels. It gives you a voice in the nursing profession and teaches you the importance of taking a stand for your chosen profession. One of the greatest benefits is being able to meet and network with other student nurses.

  • NSA members will visit every nursing class at least once during the first few weeks of the fall semester. Members will tell students when and where the first meeting will take place and invite them to attend so they can find out more about the organization. In order for NSA members to attend and participate at state convention, membership dues must be paid for the year. Membership dues can be paid online at

  • Meetings are held once a month. The dates and times of these meetings are determined at the first meeting of the year. Meetings are set to accommodate the majority of students’ busy schedules and are usually held at noon. Students often bring their lunches to eat during the meetings.