Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Institutional Review Board
All research involving human subjects conducted at or through Dickinson State University must have Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval prior to project initiation. This is true regardless of whether or not external funding is received. DSU students conducting research must be mentored by a faculty member. Federal regulations for human subject research established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and described in the Code of Federal Regulations 45 CFR 46.
IRB Members
- Dr. George Seror III, Assistant Professor of Psychology (Chair)
- Dr. Liz Freedman Fowler, Assistant Professor of Biological and Earth Sciences
- Dr. Alan Fehr, Clinical Psychologist at Sanford Health
- Dr. Pam Krueger, Assistant Professor of Education
- Dr. Colin Stirne, Associate Professor of Biology
To complete an IRB application, please fill out the appropriate forms below and email them to Each member of the research team must submit a National Institutes of Health training certificate. The IRB meets once each month during the academic year. Requests received before the first of the month will be reviewed. Requests received after the first of the month will be reviewed the following month. Requests for review in summer or on designated breaks will be handled as they are received.
- Application for IRB review: Please use this form to complete a request for an initial IRB.
- Application for IRB renewal: Please use this form to complete a request for renewal of an approved IRB.
- Application for Exempt status: Please use this form if you believe your research is exempt from the requirement for IRB approval. See additional information in the document “IRB Minimal Risk Checklist” below.
- Section A. Funding Source
- Section B. DSU Students as Subjects
- Section C. Prisoners
- Section D. Minors Under 18
- Section E. Cognitively Impaired
- Section F. Consent Waiver Form
- Public Datasets Nomination Form: Use this form if you wish to request that a public dataset be approved for research.
- NIH Training Site: This link may be used to complete your NIH training and receive your NIH training certificate.
- IRB Minimal Risk Checklist
- NIH Human Subjects Training Manual
- Sample: Child Assent Form
- Sample: Informed Consent form
- Sample: Parent Consent
- DSU Public Datasets Policy