Science Olympiad
What is the Science Olympiad?
Science Olympiad is an international non-profit organization devoted to improving the quality of science education, increasing student interest in science and providing recognition for outstanding achievement in science education by both students and teachers. These goals are accomplished through classroom activities, research, training workshops and the encouragement of intramural, district, regional, state and national tournaments. Science Olympiad tournaments are rigorous academic interscholastic competitions that consist of a series of team events, which students prepare for during the year. These challenging and motivational events are well balanced between the various science disciplines of biology, earth science, chemistry, physics and technology. There is also a balance between events requiring knowledge of science concepts, process skills and science applications.
Southwest Regional Competition for ND
Competition Date: Thursday, March 27, 2025
Location: Dickinson State University
Registration Deadline: Saturday, March 01, 2025 (discount for registering before Feb
Cost: $190 per team (before Feb 15), $205 per team (after Feb 15)
Each school may bring no more than two Division B teams and two Division C teams.
Division B: 6-9th graders
Division C: 9-12th graders
ND State Competition
Competition Date: April 26, 2025
Location: NDSU, Fargo, ND
State webpage
In order to register, you must complete ALL of the following steps before the deadline.
- You must register your team for the Southwest Regional Competition.
- Complete the online registration form here
- If you have any problems with the online form, do not hesitate to contact Liz Freedman.
- Team slots will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis, so get your form submitted ASAP. Upon receipt of this form, you will be emailed a team number for each team you register. You will need this team number in order to interpret the event schedules.
- You must register your team with the North Dakota State Science Olympiad Coordinator.
- Visit the ND Science Olympiad website at and click on the “2025 ND Science Olympiad Login” link.
- After completing the online state registration form, you will receive instructions
on where to mail your payment.
- Make your check payable to “ND Science Olympiad.”
- The registration fee is 190 USD for each participating team that registers before February 15. For registrations after February 15th, the fee is 205 USD. The state registration will be closed on March 01st. o Please address all state-level questions to Azer Akhmedov:
We would like as many schools as possible to participate in Science Olympiad. Therefore, each school will be able to bring no more than two Division B teams (6th-9th graders) and two Division C teams (9th-12th graders).
Contact Information
Dr. Liz Freedman
Department of Natural Sciences
Dickinson State University
Dickinson, ND 58601
701-402-4409 Office
701-483-0526 Fax
Day of the Event
- Registration will be held in Scott Gym (not the Student Center) from 8 to 9 AM. Scott Gym is attached to Wienbergen Gym where we hold many of the Build events.
- Teachers will receive a packet containing schedules of events, maps, name tags,
- Official Science Olympiad pencils, for each student.
Team Information
- Make sure your students know their Team Number.
- Students MAY NOT switch teams throughout the day.
- A team may participate only once in each event.
Preliminary event schedule draft
All impounding must be done between 8:30-9:00 am. Devices requiring impounding should be taken to the room where the event will be held
Students and coaches may eat at the cafeteria (lower level of the Student Center)
from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Please warn your students that the cafeteria is cash or credit card only. They do not accept checks.
All buses will need to be parked in the Wienbergen Parking Lot, located just west of Wienbergen Gym. Any private cars please park either in the Wienbergen Parking Lot or in the Murphy Hall Parking Lot. (Event Parking signs will be out in both lots to help direct guests to those locations.)
The Awards Ceremony time TBD depending on the length of the events
If you are unable to attend, awards will be mailed to your school.
Remember the key to winning the overall competition is to compete in every event!