Early University

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What is Early University?

Early University (Early U) includes all opportunities for students to earn college credit through DSU while they are in high school, including studying toward a degree program while attending high school. Early U students can expect to be able to be involved in the same traditional experiences as their peers, including participating in their school’s extracurricular activities, while pursuing college coursework or degree programs. Students may attend Early University through Dual Credit at their high school or Early Entry on the DSU campus, from a distance via DSUlive™, or online.

How to handle prerequisite requests?

Like traditional undergraduate students, prerequisites will be addressed by the school deans with the caveat that the high school transcript may be used to inform the decision. Students may be evaluated based on their high school transcripts or an accepted placement tool (such as an exam or standardized test score) to determine eligibility for a course with a prerequisite. Students requesting a course with a prerequisite should consider submitting an unofficial transcript with their form or a copy of the accepted placement tool results.

Please note that NDUS procedures require additional vetting of prerequisites for English and Mathematics. Please see the requirements within SBHE procedure 402.1.2 on the NDUS page before forwarding a prerequisite approval for consideration. Note: Per the NDUS procedure, the prerequisite cannot be waived if a student does not meet the placement requirements for ENGL 110 or Math 103.

How do students know which courses are available to them to enroll?

All course information can be found on the Academic Records site at dickinsonstate.edu/academicrecords. Students should consider visiting the requirements section of the catalog for additional rotation information and consulting with the DSU Early Entry Advisor.

Will these courses and programs grant high school credit?

Courses added to a student’s schedule as Early Entry Enrollment receive college credit and will only receive High School credit upon the approval of a high school counselor, district administrator, or board of trustees. Dual Credit courses are offered to students by their high school instructor and are counted as high school and college credit.

Tuition and Fees

Affordability is essential to ensure students have access to this program. Students should review the articulations page for information regarding agreements for cost savings with their local high schools. High-performing students whose schools do not have an active agreement with DSU will be eligible to apply for the High School High Fliers Scholarship. High Fliers Scholarship recipients pursuing Early University in an approved program will receive a subsidized rate of tuition regardless if they are enrolled in a Dual Credit or Early Entry course section (approximately $86 per credit house based on the 2022-2023 academic year fee schedule).

Students on free or reduced lunch should visit the Bank of North Dakota site for additional information on receiving free tuition, fees, and course materials support for up to two courses per academic year (dual_credit_assistance_application.pdf (nd.gov)). 

Note: Students who complete Early University programming are eligible for the DSU Smart Start Scholarship.

Eligibility Requirements for Early University

Eligibility Requirements may differ depending on the program. General admission requirements include:

  • A high school grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale;
  • Sophomore or higher status;
  • A track record of consistent study skills;
  • Selection of a program offered by Dickinson State University’s Early University;
  • Commitment to pursuing the necessary credit hours to complete an academic pathway or program or completion of general education core requirements.

Students interested in associate to bachelor program laddering, please visit with an advisor who will tailor your program and electives accordingly to reduce time towards graduation.

Programs Available

Note: Welding and diesel technology require full-time enrollment. Students are expected to be present on campus for extended periods of time for Welding, Meat Processing, and Diesel Technology.