Concentrations & Licensures
Candidates admitted to the Teacher Education program may complete concentrations for endorsements in the following areas:
- Middle School Education
- Early Childhood Education
- Reading
Dickinson State University has teacher education programs leading to three basic licensures:
- Elementary Licensure (Grades 1-8) entitles the holder to teach in the regular elementary
classroom for grades one through eight.
Secondary Licensure (Grades 5-12) entitles the holder to teach in the major area in secondary classrooms for grades five through twelve. - K-12 Licensure entitles the holder to teach in the restricted areas (i.e. art, P.E., music) in all grade levels.
These licenses can be attained through one of the following majors:
- Elementary Education [School of Education]
- Biology Education [School of Education]
- Business Education [School of Business and Entrepreneurship]
- Chemistry Education [School of Education]
- Choral Music Education [School of Education]
- Composite Science Education (Earth Science Track) [School of Applied Science]
- Composite Science Education (Biology Track) [School of Applied Science]
- Composite Social Science Education [School of Education]
- English Education [School of Education]
- History Education [School of Education]
- Instrumental Music Education [School of Education]
- Physical Education (K-12) [School of Professional Studies]
- Technology Education [School of Education]