FAQ - DSU Online

Yes! If you live outside of North Dakota, you can complete your degree online. However, due to certain state regulations, we can’t offer our programs to all states. Please check our DSU State Authorization webpage for an updated list of states we are authorized to deliver our programs to.

Generally, any newer computer with an updated operating system can be used for online courses. See our technology requirements.

Yes! As a distance student, you’ll have access to help all the way from the admission process through graduation, including an array of software designed specifically for you as an online student. You also have access to an experienced point-of-contact person for general questions about your college experience and a faculty advisor in your chosen field of study.

Check out our Online Resources page

You should set aside approximately 3-5 hours per credit each week to study for your online courses. We recommend you log in to your course via Blackboard every 2-3 days to stay up to date with any online discussions and to check for any new course materials or communication from your fellow classmates or instructors.

Our online courses follow the regular semester schedule. They open at 3 p.m. MT on the first day of class.

You take most exams on your home computer during a predetermined time frame. However, you must take some exams in a proctored environment. This means you will need to find an approved proctor to oversee the completion of your exam. This is done to ensure the integrity of the course and programs. More information regarding proctored exam procedures can be found at our Testing Center.

Yes! You earn your diploma, and we encourage you to participate in commencement. Specific details regarding graduation ceremonies can be found by visiting our Academic Records page.

Before receiving your diploma, all DSU students must complete an Exit Exam. Depending on your program of study, the exam may be specific to your program, or it may be a general proficiency exam. Your exam must be proctored, and your diploma will not be sent out until you have completed it. Exam details can be found on the Testing Center page.

Blackboard, YuJa, Hoonuit, or Blackboard Collaborate

  • Please contact the Information Technology Services (ITS) office.
    • Phone: 701-502-4307
    • If you need help outside normal business hours, please contact the NDUS Help Desk at 866-457-6387.

Campus email

  • Please contact Information Technology Services.

Campus Connection/Blackboard password reset

Course-related issues

  • Please contact your course instructor.
    • The instructor contact information is listed on your course syllabus.
    • You can also use our campus directory.

Additional Questions