Carole Watrel, first lady of Dickinson State University (DSU) from 1977 to 1994, attended the DSU Heritage Foundation’s Glenice and Dale Hansen Appreciation Dinner on August 21. The following morning, she toured the Glenice and Dale Hansen Nursing Simulation Center, expressing her admiration for the innovative training facilities that are shaping North Dakota’s next generation of healthcare professionals.

Dr. William Hansard, Outreach Coordinator and Digital Media Specialist, personally guided Carole on a tour of the Theodore Roosevelt Center. Carole believes that her late husband, Dr. Watrel (1927-2015), would have approved of the groundbreaking research being done there. She said, “Al believed in the power of education and cultural experiences to shape minds of students as well as strengthen communities. He would have been proud to see the Theodore Roosevelt Center continuing that legacy.”

The Theodore Roosevelt Center's Annual Symposium will take place from September 5-7, 2024. To learn more about attending this year's event, featuring nationally renowned historians and researchers, please visit: