Dickinson State University is proud to announce the recipients of the Outstanding Graduate Award (OGA), the highest honor bestowed upon graduating students. These exceptional individuals have been nominated by the faculty in their academic schools for their outstanding performance in their field of study, campus involvement, leadership, and service to the community. Following a rigorous selection process, the overall OGA winners were celebrated at the Outstanding Graduate Ceremony held on Friday, May 10, 2024, at 2:00 PM MT in the DSU Student Center Ballroom.

DSU recognizes and celebrates the remarkable achievements of the 2024 Outstanding Graduate Award winners:

Hailey Greef from the School of Education exemplifies a profound dedication to academic excellence and a passion for educational leadership. Hailey's commitment to inspiring young minds extends beyond the classroom, demonstrated through her leadership roles in various organizations and her involvement in community service initiatives such as Education Back in Action and the Best Friends Mentoring Program.

Luisa Popp, representing the School of Business and Entrepreneurship, has left an indelible mark on DSU's campus through her exceptional commitment to academic pursuits and community engagement. As an international student from Germany, Luisa's leadership in fostering a sense of community and addressing critical issues such as mental health challenges has been truly inspiring. Luisa is the first ever graduate student recipient of this award.

Alexis Puev, hailing from the School of Professional Studies, embodies the spirit of determination and excellence. From excelling in academics to showcasing leadership on the volleyball court and in various campus organizations, Alexis's dedication to personal growth and community service sets a remarkable example for her peers.

“As we honor these Outstanding Graduates, we celebrate their achievements and recognize the impact they have made on Dickinson State University and beyond,” stated Holly Gruhlke, DSU Vice President. “Join us in congratulating Hailey, Luisa, Alexis, and all of our Outstanding Graduates as they embark on their next chapter, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and passion to make a meaningful difference in the world.”

The full list of nominees can be found at https://dickinsonstate.edu/news/2024/05-may/2024-oga.html. The 2024 Outstanding Graduate Award winners will be honored at the Spring Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 11, at 10:00 AM MT. A live stream of the event can be viewed at dickinsonstate.edu and on Consolidate Channel 18.

Photos from the event can be found at: 2024 Outstanding Graduates Awards | Flickr