Enhancing the student experience at Dickinson State University (DSU) is a priority for Sodexo Area Manager Victoria Burgos. “I have always lived by the theory that DSU is the students’ new home; therefore, our dining room becomes their new dining room. We want every student to feel welcome when they walk in our doors. We want them to know that they can always return and feel that same warmth year after year.”

The Sodexo staff’s dedication to creating a welcoming environment extends beyond the Perch Dining Hall. The company proudly serves as a Blue Game Day Sponsor and Nutrition Station Donor, contributing to the well-being of DSU athletes. Over the summer, Burgos worked with Dickinson State University Development Officer Kyle Smith to be a part of the Nutrition Station initiative, providing nutrition to athletes after weight training sessions. “Victoria [Burgos] immediately showed interest in supporting the Nutrition Station after hearing about Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Dickinson and the ND Beef Commission’s contributions,” said Smith.

Sodexo also assisted Director of Campus Life Mackenzie Hicks and her Resident Assistants with a pumpkin carving event and partnered with the Campus Activities Board (CAB) in supporting various other campus-wide events.

Sodexo’s positive impact reaches beyond DSU’s campus, contributing to the Dickinson community through initiatives like donating chili to the local Police Department for National Night Out. Sodexo is instrumental in hosting the annual Dickinson Thanksgiving Community Dinner, an entirely volunteer-based event held at DSU that provides hundreds of meals for those in need or seeking fellowship on Thanksgiving Day. Speaking of the Thanksgiving Community Dinner, Burgos said, “It’s wonderful to see the community come together, helping those who might be in need or just to share a meal with one another on a day that means so much to many who may not have family with whom to celebrate.”

Sodexo’s community service also includes preparing 3,500 to 4,000 meals each month for local seniors through a partnership with Elder Care, ensuring they receive daily hot meals.

Smith praised the Sodexo team by noting, “On-campus dining isn’t what it used to be. I have been so impressed with the product the Sodexo team provides that I have started inviting donors to lunch on campus.”

Burgos and her staff are proud of Sodexo’s mission: “Addressing hunger in our communities is a core part of Sodexo's identity and purpose. Nutritious foods keep students healthy and ready to achieve.”

For those wishing to make a similar impact, sponsorship opportunities at DSU are available by contacting Kyle Smith at kyle.smith@dickinsonstate.edu. Together, we can continue to strengthen our community and support the next generation of Blue Hawks.