DSU and Frontier

Dickinson State University Joins Frontier Conference

December 12, 2023

Dickinson State University (DSU) and the Frontier Conference announced Tuesday that Dickinson State will join the Frontier Conference as a full member beginning in the 2025-26 academic year.

snoy winners

Sydney Mosset named DSU Student Nurse of the Year

December 5, 2023

The Dickinson State University (DSU) Department of Nursing held its annual Student Nurse of the Year (SNOY) Banquet Thursday, Nov. 30. The ceremony reflected on the academic year in the Department of Nursing, looked head to the future plans for the...

may hall

Network, Internet, and Email Outages

November 27, 2023

I.T.S. continues to monitor the issue with the network, including connecting to information sharing and storage. At this time, there is no E.T.A. for services to be restored.


Mar 19 2025
08:00 AMStudent Center
Mar 19 2025
02:00 PMKlinefelter Hall