Whether you're just starting out, navigating your second semester, or wrapping up your senior year, college can feel like an adventure in all its highs and lows. To help you make the most of it, DSU faculty and staff have shared their best tips to help you thrive. From knowing when to ask for help to stepping outside your comfort zone and trying something new, here’s what you need to know to not just survive, but truly thrive in college!


Rus Kiser

Get Outside Your Comfort Zone 
Rus Kiser – Director of International Programs and Shooting Sports Coach
"Take a class or join a club that isn't in your degree," advises Rus Kiser. “Being part of something outside your main area of study can help you avoid burnout and might even open up new opportunities in the future.” It's all about broadening your horizons, whether it's through a hobby or by meeting people from different walks of life.





Marissa SchroederDon't Be Afraid to Ask for Help  
Marissa Schroeder- Student Success Advisor
College can feel like a lot to handle, but Marissa Schroeder encourages you not to shy away from asking for help. "We all want you to succeed. Stop by the SOAR Center (May Hall 209) with any questions or concerns you may have." It's always better to ask than to stress over something you don’t understand.