- A to Z
- About
- About DSU
- Academic Forms
- Academic Records
- Academic Resources
- Academic Schools
- Academics
- Accessibility Services
- Accreditation & Memberships
- Admissions
- Admitted International Students
- Advising Center
- Alumni Spotlight: Duane Monlux ’99
- Alumni return to DSU as speakers for social science class
- Alyssa Buckman receives John Wall Promising Artist Scholarship
- Applying for Aid
- Archived Alerts
- COVID-19 Information
- Campus Connection Assistance
- Campus Directory
- Campus Directory - Department of Agriculture and Technical Studies
- Campus Directory - Department of Arts and Letters
- Campus Directory - Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Campus Directory - Dept. of Natural Sciences
- Campus Directory - Dept. of Nursing
- Campus Directory - Dept. of Social Sciences
- Campus Directory - Faculty Senate
- Campus Directory - School of Business and Entrepreneurship
- Campus Directory - School of Education
- Campus Directory - School of Kinesiology
- Campus Directory - Staff Senate
- Campus Map
- Campus Safety and Parking
- Campus of Champions
- Celebration of Scholars
- Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Training
- Choosing DSU Online
- Clubs and Organizations
- Collaborative Student
- Commencement
- Commercial Drivers License (CDL) Training
- Community
- Community
- Counseling Services
- Counselors and Advisors
- Create a Club or Organization
- Credits & Disclaimers
- Cullinane to be keynote speaker at Theodore Roosevelt Symposium
- Current Employees
- DSU Bismarck/Williston
- DSU Phi Beta Lambda members earn top awards at state conferencePage Title
- DSU State Authorization
- DSU Student Testing
- DSU announces appointment of Johnson chair in U.S. history
- DSU appoints Miller as interim vice president/provost
- DSU art professor and Dickinson Area Public Library create new space for artwork
- DSU faculty and staff recognized at annual awards event
- DSU faculty and staff recognized at annual awards event
- DSU hosts Dickinson premier of locally produced theatrical film
- DSU now offers a Master of Sport Administration in athletic leadership degree
- DSUlive
- Dickinson State University holds 2022 annual State of the University address
- Dickinson State University named among top 5% in the nation in the 2021 Collegiate Advertising Awards Program
- Dickinson State University receives high ratings from the American Council of Trustees and Alumni
- Dickinson State University students have a clear understanding of their career paths according to recent survey
- Dickinson State University to host 2022 Homecoming: Bustin’ Through the Decades
- Dickinson State University to host 2022 ND State Staff Senate meeting
- Dickinson State University's annual student writing contest—and our 2021-2022 winners!
- Dickinson State You
- Dickinson State professor participates in Boss Lift
- Directory
- Dual Credit
- Dual Mission Career Training
- Early Entry
- Employment
- Employment for International Students
- Events
- Excellence in Communication award bestowed upon 47 students at Dickinson State
- FAQ - Advising Center
- FAQ - DSU Online
- FAQ - Financial Aid
- FAQ - Housing and Dining
- FAQ - Tutoring Center
- FERPA Guidelines
- Facility Rental
- Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Marcus Fries, associate professor of mathematics
- Fahy and Uwagbai named DSU’s 2022 Outstanding Graduates
- Financial Aid
- Financial Aid Forms
- First Year Students
- From the Hawks’ Nest : Another solid year for DSU student-athletes
- From the Hawks’ Nest: “C’mon in” or “C’mon Back” — DSU Wants YOU as a Student
- From the Hawks’ Nest: “Remaining and becoming the university our community needs”
- HEA Student Consumer Information
- Handbook and Code of Conduct
- Hawkitude
- Health Wellness and Counseling
- High School Students
- History of DSU
- Home
- Homecoming
- Housing and Dining
- Immunizations and Exemptions
- Inclusion and Equity
- Information Technology Services
- Information for You
- Institutional Research
- Institutional Review Board
- International Admissions FAQs
- International Programs
- International Student Health Insurance
- International Student Travel
- International Students
- Mailroom
- Master of Arts in Teaching
- Master of Business Administration
- Master of Education in Elementary Education
- Master of Entrepreneurship
- Master of Sport Administration in Athletic Leadership
- Matt Dey and Haylie Oberlander crowned 2021 Homecoming King and Queen
- Merit Pages
- Military Benefits
- Mission and Vision
- Move-in Information
- New Employees
- New Stevenson Strong Scholarship celebrates an honorable man
- New Student Guide for Online Students
- New Student Registration
- News
- Non-DSU Exams
- Online or Distance Students
- Open Positions
- Other Financial Assistance
- Over 50 DSU students present research at 2022 Celebration of Scholars
- Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
- Scholarships
- Search
- Search
- Sitemap
- Skills used to co-author paper garnering international attention are taught in DSU science classes
- Student Activities and Facilities
- Student Senate
- Student Services
- Student Spotlight: Dobitz and McDaniel, DSU’s 2021 Outstanding Graduates
- Student Spotlight: Mikayla Collins
- Support Resources for Online Students
- TRHLP class visits Traveling Vietnam Memorial
- Teacher Education Graduate Courses
- Technical Support
- Testing Center
- Theodore Roosevelt Honors Leadership
- This is one of your RAs: Ashlie Watts
- This is one of your student ambassadors: Haylie Oberlander
- This is one of your student ambassadors: Victoria Moreno
- Transcripts
- Transfer Student Evaluations
- Transfer Students
- Tuition and Cost to Attend
- Tutoring Center